We will soon be announcing our Easter Basket Drive. Our Easter Dinner and Easter Basket Giveaway is scheduled for March 30, 2024 from 12:00-3:00PM. Completed Easter Baskets would be great but donated items to fill baskets will also be appreciated.
Thanksgiving Meals-To-Go and Turkey Giveaway November 16, 2023.
If you or anyone you know is in need of a Thanksgiving Turkey and side items for a traditional meal, this event is for you or them. Show up early because supplies will be limited and everything given is on a “First come first served” basis.
Toy Drive For Upcoming Christmas Winter Wonderland on December 16. 2023
This will be our Ninth Annual Toy Giveaway. We are asking for your support in collecting new/unwrapped toys for boys and girls of varying age group. Please bring all donations to pantry at 8888 Dyer Suite #513 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am-3:00pm. If unable to do so please contact us at 915-222-4740 to arrange a more convenient date and time for drop-off. Monetary donations may be made via our “Take Action” button above. Funds raised would be greatly appreciated and would be put to the purchase of toys.
This past weekend was very encouraging. Our "Pack The Pantry Food Drive/Fund Raiser" event went pretty well. Thanks to KFOX News coverage and social media group Foodies of El Paso word spread quickly and enough funds were raised to keep the doors of You Eat/ I Eat open through October and enough food was brought in to help out quite a few people for the next few weeks.
In support of our neighbors in need many of you showed up to the event and donated much needed canned goods, dry goods, personal hygiene items, bottled water and school supplies. Those of you who could spare it made on the spot monetary donations. Others not present contributed online. Even a few out of towners who had learned of our Community's efforts via social media helped us out in helping our neighbors.
Enough to keep the doors open for another two months raised within a week. Wow. Such an outpour of support and generosity at "a moment's notice". Just think what may be possible powered with foreknowledge. If we can all maintain this momentum it would be GREAT! If anyone knows of anyone who is in a position to "keep the winds in our sails" please speak with them. The Holidays are on the approach and we all know that during this time finances are stretched a bit more thinly for most of us and donations will of course be more difficult. But please continue to help out as best you can.
And on the behalf of our neighbors in need and directly from my wife and me,
Thanks again.
(Please click on photo for Slideshow Presentation)
You've seen recent local news coverage of the pending closure of You Eat\I Eat Community Unity Food Pantry. It saddens us that the assistance we have provided to so many could come to a sudden end. We have enjoyed being able to give back to our adoptive community. Helping some of our Fellow El Pasoans stretch their food dollars as best they can until such a time that they are back on their feet has been quite the challenge.
But we haven't been alone in our efforts.
Over the past three years many of you have come through for the Pantry by sharing with us what you could for which we are greatly appreciative. You have donated funds, foods, new and gently used clothing, new and gently used toys, school supplies and even your time. The selflessness you have demonstrated is quite inspiring. So many of you have not had the pleasure of seeing the end result of your own goodhearted gestures:
A child's face lighting up when receiving a donated toy along with a hot meal days before Christmas. A young mother coming in and finding a much needed jacket for her child. Or a young woman asking for and finding an outfit she needed for a job interview. A hard working father finding a good pair of work boots. A teen whose book-bag had seen better days. A grandmother who had little to put on the stove for dinner. A grandfather whose 8 year-old grandson was so happy to find a winter coat which, quote, "Has a zipper that actually works!"
Then there are those of you who have brought your kids in to volunteer with you. The lessons that come with that are immeasurable. But one particular lesson learned was that of a 12 year-old volunteer who spoke to her grandfather about what she and her siblings do at the Pantry throughout the summer. Her stories prompted him to make a generous donation.
Thanks to so many of you we have been able to do so much for others but there are still those who are struggling to make ends meet. "Caring for our Fellow Man". "Our Brothers' Keepers". "It takes a Village".
So much good. So much gratitude.
Please help us keep it going.
Many have come out to volunteers daily and during our special events. We would not be able to help so many people with out them. This year we have had over 2600 footprints that have entered the pantry and 2100 additional family members who were able to benefit from their loved ones coming to the pantry for a little help.. Not a handout
Here are some of the wonderful Volunteers
Thank you
JAN 13 2017
The veterans at breakfast group made a big difference with their food drive that benefited You Eat I Eat. They collected 1060 items, close to 2000 lbs of non perishable foods to help people in need in our community.
We can't thank them enough for all of the hard work that went into the food drive and the community who donated.
Dan Webb also organized delivery of the donations and everyone helped to put the food away.
Our Veterans cares about our people in need and we thank them for their service to our great country
Thank you FORT BLISS BUGLE for such a wonderful story
Special thank you for our recent monetary donators we need support to be able to continue serving the community.
No Donation is to Small. Please make a Difference and Donate.
We are a 501c3 non profit organization all donations are tax deductible,
We are seeking sponsorship.
- Anthony Corothers
- Vicki Wells
- Lorena Parge Lowe and the Breakfast with friends group
- Sheila Woodard
- Creation Entertainment
- Ortero County Prison; Men of Faith ministry
DEC 17, 2017
The Christmas meal turned out wonderful, the weather turned cold and windy and kept quite a bit of people indoors but we did have 100 people who came out and received blessings.
Special thank you to the many volunteers who came out to serve, because of you we were able to have all area's of the pantry open.
Our clients were able to receive clothing, non perishable foods, Breads and pastries donated by Costco and donated Southern Maid Donuts in addition to the hot meal served.
The younger children also received New and Gently used toy's that were donated by caring el pasoan's and one donation of toy's came all the way from New York City from a loving, caring woman who has donated several times since opening to help people in need in our community. The pictures only reflect some of the children and items donated
Special thank you to Christina Mason who not only prepared some items for the feast and overseen everything while I was with the children but also took the time to make one special boy's Christmas special with wrapped presents for under his tree and new clothing in addition to what he received from the pantry

Please help us bring smiles to children in need
On Saturday Dec. 17 2016 we will be serving our Christmas meal we would like to hand out presents to the children who comes out.
Last year we gave out to about 50 children both new and used toy's.
We are asking for new toy's to be donated for our kids.
Without your help we will not be able to bring the smiles back to children who might not have anything under the tree.